Dilatometer AA 04n
This instrument is designed to test coal according to norms ISO 349 and ISO 8264 ("Determination of the swelling properties using a dilatometer"). Standardized vertical furnace is designed for four dilatometric tubes (retorts), which allows measurement of four samples of coal at the same time. The sample height is measured by LVDT (linear variable differential transformer) sensors. The measurement runs from the users defined temperature with the heating rate of 3 °C per minute and sensitivity of ±1 °C.
The dilatometer is controlled by an external notebook, the software works with Windows 7 or Windows 8 operating system (32 or 64 bit). Communication proceeds via Ethernet interface. The software also allows the calibration and automatic and manual evaluation of the measurement results and the creation and export (print) of protocols. A single PC may be connected to more instruments simultaneously.
Leaflet Dilatometer AA 04n size: 275.94 kB
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