Our company represents manufacturer of modular systems with fiber optics, the StellarNet from USA, that allow you to optimize the spectrometric system to your application. The spectrometers have spectral range from 180 to 2200 nm, depending on the type. They have very robust metal construction (metal chassis provides good stability) with concave diffraction gratings and high quality detectors and electronics. The spectrometer has minimal number of optical elements and longer optical path than is common in spectrometers of this price category, thereby achieving great signal to noise ratios (basic model 2000:1). There is a big selection of accessories available – light sources, optical cables, cuvette holders, reflectance probes, calibration sources…
NIR spectrometer with electrically cooled linear InGaS detector with 512 or 1024 cells or mobile LIBS system are also available.
More information on these instruments are available on following website: