Griffin series
Griffin G460
Griffin is a unique GC-MC/MS. Griffin is designed for HAZMAT teams, military and forensic mobile laboratories and application in the area of environment analysis. This device uses mass spectrometer technology (cylindrical ion trap with small volume) in combination with fast GC. It is a small device with acceptable weight, and with robustness its fitting use in a mobile laboratory. The device has low operating costs (basically the same as the common laboratory systems). Griffin is useable on chemical warfare agents, their precursors and degradation products, industrial toxic agents, volatile organic substances, drugs, pesticides, fungicides and other substances.
Griffin G510
The Griffin 510 is the first easily portable, full-featured GC-MS system (gas chromatograph with mass detector) with an integrated vacuum system and MIMS (Membrane Introduction Mass Spectrometry) interface for direct gas phase analysis. The spectrometer uses a quadrupole analyzer, so the spectra obtained are fully compatible with the NIST library and instant identification of more than 200,000 compounds is possible.
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